New features
- WebClient: Add support to HistoricalView component.
- WebClient: Add Settings panel and Server date and time.
- Templates and template objects: Reference to templates can be specified with the full path.
- WebClient: Web templates can now be organized into subfolders.
- Language and API: Added APIs to interface with MySQL/MariaDB databases.
- Language and API: Added APIs to interface with SQLite databases.
- WebClient: Chart: y-axis labels could not be disabled.
- WebClient: CheckBox, RadioButton: fix rendering in case of empty label.
- WebClient: StatusBar: fix label displayed gate's value.
- SmartApp: Event/alarm filters may work incorrectly if a user belongs to more than one group.
- Project Manager: Web templates opened by OnDblClick events are not considered for publication.
- Data logs: "Mean value" columns are filled with wrong values.
- Language and API: Some code analysis errors are meaningless.
- SmartApp Builder: Modified verification of correctness in the definition of alarm display conditions