Problem connect to SIEMENS

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Problem connect to SIEMENS

Post by user1 »

So, I have downloaded Your WinLog Lite as DEMO version. As I have read it is full working version (24 tags) and RUNTIME should work for a 15 minutes.
PLC model is VIPA CPU 315SN (it is analog to SIEMENS S7300 CPU 318-2).
It has 2 MPI/PB ports and 2 ethernet ports onboard.
IP addresses for PLC ETHERNET ports are and
MPI address is 3, and transmision rate is 187,5 kbps.
IP address for my laptop is
I have made a simple scada with just 5 digital tags (gates).

channel- SIEMENS MPI
device- TCP/IP (Ethernet)
client IP-
port number- 102
bus baud rate- 187k
PC MPI adress- 0
timeot- 1000ms
query pause- 20ms
PLC Connections- PLC type S7-300,
station address 3, Statement ID 0, Rack number 0,
slot number 0,
IP station address

channel- SIEMENS MPI
device- PCAdapter (USB)
bus baud rate- 187k
PC MPI adress- 0
timeot- 1000ms
query pause- 20ms
PLC Connections- PLC type S7-300,
station address 3, Statement ID 0, Rack number 0,
slot number 0

I have also problem when trying to connect via USB/MPI adapter.
I have followed Your instructions for connection to SIEMENS PLCs, but unfortunately I can not establih a connection (neither via USB/MPI not via ethernet).
I have also read Your example of SIEMENS connection but there is just example for a RS232/MPI adapter.

Can You help me with some more manual, or with new one example? Thank you
Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:52 pm

Re: Problem connect to SIEMENS

Post by Lorenzo »

There are or two typical errors:
A: if you use 3 as "station address" in the protocol configuration window, you must specify the same in the "Device" field od the gate in the GateBuilder.
B: Slot number must specify the slot number of the ehternet card inside the PLC (may by 2 or 3)
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